Cat Eyes

April 14, 2015  •  2 Comments

Seeing is the basis of photography. Artists over the centuries have drawn, painted and sculpted to share whey they saw. Photography allows me to share what I see.

I can still hear the zen teacher Phillip Kapleau speaking words of encouragement as he walked through the meditation hall: "Be like a cat, totally relaxed yet totally aware and ready to pounce."

To really see one has to be relaxed, free of distracting thoughts and emotions. One has to be relaxed and yet aware so that the fleeting moment can be seen and written in light. Photography means writing in light and when the setting sun is writing in light across the canvass of the sky one has to be ready to pounce, to act.

Seeing also requires one to allow people and nature to feel free to be seen as they are. People look their best in portraits when they are relaxed and feeling free to show who they really are.

So welcome to my seeing, to my exploring the world anew as if I was a child set loose in the boundless fields of creation, free to explore and play. If you would like, please let us take a walk together, or get together, and write in light for the world to see you as you want to be seen. 



Marlene Humberd(non-registered)
In the two years that I have seen your work I have grown . I now look at the world with different eyes ... eyes opened wide . I see the detail of a leaf ... the veins , the color variations , it's unique shape , it's position on the tree , how the other leaves are around it , how the tree grows , how it fits in it's home in the forest . I don't just see a leaf now.
I enjoy walking with you , Richard. I look forward to each new adventure.
Kevin Hayden(non-registered)
Great picture.... I've learned to trust your eyes.
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